Monday, May 7, 2012

.NET Rx Driven Web Server, Take 2

Feeling like my code was rather crappy, i thought i'd take another stab at the Rx Webserver problem. I was especially unhappy with the async signature of Socket.BeginRecieve. A little research online and i found HttpListener, a .NET class that does the same thing except with a usable Async function (one that returns something meaningful) for my Observeable.FromAsyncPattern.

A Hyper-fast Rx Web Server

This one actually performs! Here's the code:

Edit: I found this after making mine-- José F. Romaniello's implentation of a .NET Rx Web Server. His code looks much more useful, and is a better example of Rx. My version hardly Rx, really. Anyways, i performance tested his as well and the figures were similar to the tests ran on this one below.

Performance Tests-- MVC3, Nodejs, and Our Rx Server


Using a generic controller that returns "Thanks!":

Server Software:ASP.NET
Server Hostname:localhost
Server Port:31362
Document Path:/Test/
Document Length:11 bytes
Concurrency Level:1000
Time taken for tests:42.845 seconds
Complete requests:10000
Failed requests:0
Total transferred:2700000 bytes
HTML transferred:110000 bytes
Requests per second:233397.92
Transfer rate:63017.44 kb/s received
Connnection Times (ms)
  min avg max
Connect: 0 0 590
Processing: 688 4077 4649
Total: 688 4077 5239

Our server

Using the code above:

Server Software:Microsoft-HTTPAPI/2.0
Server Hostname:localhost
Server Port:8081
Document Path:/Test/
Document Length:7 bytes
Concurrency Level:1000
Time taken for tests:1.624 seconds
Complete requests:10000
Failed requests:0
Total transferred:1500000 bytes
HTML transferred:70000 bytes
Requests per second:6157021.28
Transfer rate:923553.19 kb/s received
Connnection Times (ms)
  min avg max
Connect: 0 0 2
Processing: 39 155 180
Total: 39 155 182


Using the node.js homepage hello world sample:

Server Software:
Server Hostname:localhost
Server Port:1337
Document Path:/
Document Length:8 bytes
Concurrency Level:1000
Time taken for tests:2.066 seconds
Complete requests:10000
Failed requests:0
Total transferred:720000 bytes
HTML transferred:80000 bytes
Requests per second:4839481.65
Transfer rate:348442.68 kb/s received
Connnection Times (ms)
  min avg max
Connect: 0 7 94
Processing: 1 35 244
Total: 1 42 338

The Actual Node.js Beater

Really, there's a good bit of apples to oranges here, but still--can you believe that? I think that means that our little Rx server is C10K compliant! Further, many of our server's metrics beat node.js-- such as transfer rate, requests per second, max times... pretty awesome!

I've still got a ton to learn about Rx... back to the books now.

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